Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


There was a forcupine named landi. he was lonely. No one wanted to play with him because they were affraid of his spikes.
"Dear landy.we don't want to play with you because your spikes are too sharp."We don't want you to hurt us, "Said Cici the rabbit one day"
"Cici is right . Landi it is not because you are bad or rude to us.No landi I just because of your spikes,They will stab us when we come close to you.
"Said,Tito the rooster."
Landi felt lonely he murmured
"Why don't they want to play with me?"
Landy spent most of the time day dreaminng at river bank.
"I would have lots of play with them if no spikes were on my body.
I would be happy.I would not be lonely like this.
"What a shamme!"
kuku the turtle appread from the river.
He come to landy and said.
"landy,what are you thinking of?"
"Oh... nothing."Landy replied
'Don't lie to me ,Please tell me your problem?"
Who know's?
I can help!!!
"kuku said wiselly.then he sat beside Landi,he wasn't affraid of landi spikes.
Shortly,landi told kuku his probleem .kuku nadded his head.
he said....
"Poor you,butit is not rault. I knows,you spikes are very useful and help full to your ."
your friend will realize.it some day.
Tfust me,Landy
kuku you're really my best friend you are the only one here who wants to be my friend.
ONE DAY,,,,,,,
sam the frog held his birthday party.He invited all his friends including landy .
But he deciced not to come.He did't want to mess up the party.
I'll come with you ,landy i'll tell everybody that you are haim less.
"Said kuku finally.
landy attended the party everyone enjoyed it.
Tito ran here and there screaming
the evil wolf is coming .Save your salves!!
"then everyone ran to save their lives exced kuku and landy.kuku pulled his nead and legs into his shell.landy rolled his boby into a ball.
unintentionally.the evel wolf stepped his foot on landy.
Of course the spikes pricked him.he screamed.
since his foot was bledding,hi didn't chose landi's friend any longer.then he ran away.
long livi landy!
"he saved our lives."
said cici and her friend's.everyone shock landi's hand and thanked him from then an .
Landy wasn't lonely anymore.
ahais friend knew that his spikes would not hurt anyone.onless they wanted to hurt land.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

kegiatan ekstrakulikuler diSMPI druju

assalamualaikum wr. wb.

kenalin q Yunita riana dewi,aku siswa SMP islam druju dan aku kelas 8 tepatnya kelas 8a.
Di SMPI ada berbagai ekstrakulikuler dan salah satu yg aku ikuti,Misalnya:


aku ikut pramuka sejak kelas 1,tapi waktu itu aku belum aktif dan sejak kelas 8 tepatnya tanggal 1 november 2009 aku mulai aktif berpramuka.
aku ikut pramuka karenakarena pramuka dapat membantu aku hidup mandiri jadi saya tidak bergantung kepada orang lain dan dapt membantu kita memanfaatkan berbagai hasil alam.

Dan pembinanya bernama kak reny,kak reny itu tinggal di Tawang Rejeni,kec.turen.dan kak reny itu orangnya ramah.selain itu,beliau punya sifat yg tegas ,biasa apabila saat pelatihan kak reny mengajak kami bercanda jadi kami merasa lebih Rileks.

saat aku pertama masuk diadakan pemilihan DG(dewan galang).saat pemilihan aku terpilih menjadi seksi kegiatan. biasanya kalau kak reny pembinanya kami selalu
-apel pembukaan
-latihan yel-yel,dan
-apel penutupan.
Dan di smpi akan diadakan PERJUSAMI khusus DG,dan
PERSAMI khusus anggota baru 0r anak kelas 7.
dan aqoe juga di tugaskan bersama diana.nurul,putri dan fitriyah untuk menjadi anggota konsumsi . dan dipramuka ada kakak baru yaitu kak Leny.
kak leny itu alumni smpi dan ia melanjutkan di al-mawwadah gontor tepatx di p0nor0g0.
dan kemarin kak leny datang dan membantu kami mempersiapkan acara PERJUSAMI dan PERSAMI

selain pramuka aku juga mengikuti kursus bhs.inggris dan komputer.
khursus bhs inggris
aku kursus bhs inggris setiap hari hari rabu di rumah bu.emi dwi kundarwati dan kami dibimbing oleh bu.emi dwi kundarwati dan kami biasanya memanggil bu.kun

dan di SMPI masih banyak ekstrakulikuler lainnya spt Pagar nusa,kursus komputer,kursus matematika

aku ikut ekstrakulikuler karena dapat menambah wawasan aku.dan cerita di atas adalah ekstra yang ikuti di SMPI

Jadi kalau kamu sekolah diSMPI kamu nggak bakal nyesel karena kamu dpt mengikuti berbagai ekstrakulikuler.
wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

sahabat sejati

mereka selalu menemaniq
dalam keadaan suka......
maupun duka....

mereka tdk memandang
Harta,rupa,dan derajat

sahabat sulit dicari
teman dpt mudah di cari

mereka sgt berarti bagiq
karena...masalahq menjadi masalahnya
tiada teman sebaik mereka.....